Mesoprotect Sun Stick - Sonia’s
It’s the most important, fundamental (just-please-do-not-forget) step in our daily skincare routine. It is the mantra that every one of Skin & Sanctuary’s clinicians echo (loudly) to every single one of our clients. Whether you like to follow a detailed 10-step regime or prefer to keep it minimal I am sure your expert would have advised that it should end with a generous (at least two finger lengths worth) slathering of SPF.
And yet, as a non-expert, I still completely understand the hesitation in complying to the request to apply SPF every single day, over our freshly cleansed, Vitamin C’d, moisturised and glowing faces.
So, as in the week that the sun enters it’s most perfect July ascendency (fingers crossed) I thought I’d ask the experts to remind us of the why - as well as provide proof that they practice what they preach.
Lets start with why. I have to admit that the response to my question was one not quite filled with content - but more frustation. It’s been five years. How was I even questioning. Had I not read the pages and pages of studies that woud answer my question in firm, scientific terms. But the team politiely replied and here’s my non-expert summary:
When the sun is shining (and even when it is not) it’s Ultra Violet Rays have the ability to cause horrible, long lasting and even irreversible damage to the skin. UVB rays are responsible for sunburn and associated skin cancers while UVA rays (which penetrates both clouds and windows) cause things like fine-lines, wrinkles and pigmentation.
In fact it is these rays that are the number one cause of ageing and though using SPF is not a total protection it is the best step that we can take to shield our precious skin.
So there’s the why - and albeit without the scientif studies I think it’s still pretty conviincing. But, it still doesn’t take away from understanding that finding your perfect SPF remains tricky. As well as making sure it’s a high enough factor (at least 30 all year round) your unique face may want something hydrating, or not so greasy and I accept that it’s a challenge to find an SPF that doesn’t leave a white cast and still sits well under make-up.
I (and the experts) also appreciare that that if it doesn’t feel or look good we remain reluctant to use it.
This is the reason why at Skin & sanctuary we work with you to understand, try/sample and test before buying. We only have ranges that we trust and we like. It’s the skin care step that we ask you to wear everyday, regardless of the season, the texture of your skin or your skin tone. So you have to like it.
So to help you choose, as well as demonstrate that our experts do as they preach, I asked them to send through a pick of their current favourite. I have to admit that the results surprised me.
Dr Saira Vasdev, Medical Director - Heliocare 360 Pigment Solution Fluid, £33
Freya Moore, Aesthetician - Colorscience, Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield - Glow, £24.50
Melodie Garrison, Receptionist - Colorscience, Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield, £24.50
Dr You-jin Chang, Aesthetic Doctor - The complete Colorscience Sunforgettable Total Protection Range + Total Protection Colour Balm + Mesoestatic Sun Stick 100, from £24.50
Dr Vy Nguyen, Aesthetic Doctor - Isatree Hyaluronic Acid Watery Sun Gel, £not known
Amy Garret, Receptionist - Colorscience Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield Glow, £24.50
Rachel McIntosh, Nurse Prescriber - Colorscience Sunforgettable Total Protection Face Shield, £24.50
Fatma Gunduz, Lead Aesthetician - Tebiskin UV Sooth, £48