Profhilo Treatment Review by Mattie Lacey-Davidson

We love this article by Mattie Lacey-Davidson not only because we think Profhilo is an amazing treatment - but because it is so beautifully written.

Thank you Mattie - and hope to see you again soon.

“(Disclaimer: It is also an injectable, but not as you know it).

In an attempt to explain in to my other half, who has less than zero knowledge of the beauty and aesthetics industry, I told him: “It is like a very fancy skincare product that is injected into your skin, rather than applied on top of it.”

When I relayed this layman’s definition to Dr Saira Vasdev, of advanced cosmetic and skin well-being clinic Skin & Sanctuary which she co-founded with her sister Sonia Rishi, I expected her to laugh but, much to my surprise, she agreed that was pretty much it.

Profhilo is a stabilised hyaluronic acid and if you’re keen on beauty and skincare, you’ll know that acids are hot stuff right now.

Hyaluronic acid exists naturally in the body, but as time goes by the amount decreases. The water holding molecule can retain 1,000 times its weight in water within skin cells, making it wondrous for keeping skin plump and hydrated.

Profhilo contains the highest concentrate of hyaluronic acid available anywhere.

Treatments consist of five injections around each side of your face (10 altogether): to the side of your eye, to the lower side of your nose, next to the ear, the outer corner of your jaw and below the side of your lip.

Not only does the hyaluronic acid work wonders, but it also activates the production of collagen which gives skin strength and elasticity.

I have no qualms with needles, I never have, I will happily watch with wonder when blood is taken. However, my first visit to Skin & Sanctuary was my first ever injectable aesthetic treatment and I have to admit I was nervous.

Saira talked me through everything and kindly gave me a stress ball to squeeze if I experience any discomfort. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad. 
It did hurt, I won’t lie to you, but only a little. The most sensitive injections were those near my lips and eyes as the skin is thinner and more sensitive in these areas, but I simply counted to 10 with each injection, squeezed my stress ball and Saira’s efficient and skilled work meant it was over very quickly.

She then put some arnica on my face, a natural relief for bruising, and popped on some SPF to protect my skin throughout the day.

There’s a risk of bumps at the entry points and bruising as well, but I experience none whatsoever, I left without the slightest sign of having just had a needle go into my face 10 times. From the moment it was complete my face felt amazingly taut, smooth and supple – it was the effect you dream of from every serum, cream and moisture mask you try.

As the moisture boosted and collagen began to produce, the results improved. Three days later, in my office bathroom with fluorescent lights illuminating my face more than I usually care for, I examined my cheeks and my jawline and I thought, I look good.

I returned around four weeks later to do the same again, as it is a two-part process. I was in and out of Skin & Sanctuary in as little as 10 minutes.

Many friends who have slowly entered the world of aesthetics sought only small adjustments, but found that other treatments were recommended to them and slowly they gave in to more.

Not once did Saira suggest any other treatment. In fact she praised my skin and let the Profhilo speak for itself.

For continuous results the treatment must be repeated every four to six months and I have to admit the incredible results that came from the treatments, without any alterations to my face shape, means I will definitely be returning.”