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Skin Boosters

Our Skin Boosters treatments are designed to hydrate, revitalise, and enhance your skin's natural radiance.

Read below to select the Skin Booster for your unique skin or book a Consultation and one of our experts will help you decide which is best for your skin.

Profhilo® Bio-remodelling and Skin conditioning

Cutting-edge non-surgical treatment with profound medical significance in facial aesthetics. Profhilo® represents a remarkable advancement in bio-remodeling therapy, leveraging the innate rejuvenating qualities of hyaluronic acid. Administered through precise injections, Profhilo® triggers collagen and elastin production at a deep tissue level, resulting in heightened skin hydration, firmness, and elasticity. Helping reduce fine lines, sagging skin, and lacklustre complexion, Profhilo® delivers a radiant, youth-restoring effect.

Treat face, neck, decolletage - and now body

1 SESSION - £420

2 SESSIONS - £800


Polynucleotides (Ameela)®

Unlock Your Natural Elegance: Elevate your aesthetic journey with our cutting-edge polynucleotides treatments. Backed by science, these innovative solutions stimulate collagen and rejuvenate your skin from within. Experience a radiant transformation as we harness the power of polynucleotides to enhance your health & beauty in a way that's uniquely you.

From £450


The best in microdosing technology. A therapeutic modality that integrates medical precision with a focus on health and vitality. Aquagold represents a remarkable advancement in medical aesthetics, carefully engineered to address a spectrum of skin health concerns. The specialised microchannel delivery system ensures the precise administration of a personalised blend of therapeutic ingredients, including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, and growth factors, directly into the skin's dermal layer. This expertly performed procedure fosters deep hydration, diminishes fine lines, and promotes collagen synthesis, and so enhancing skin health and resilience.


Skinpen® Microneedling

Also known as collagen induction therapy SkinPen® Microneedling is a cutting-edge procedure that rejuvenates your skin from within. SkinPen® utilises advanced micro-needling technology to create thousands of controlled micro-injuries in the skin's surface, stimulating the body's natural healing process. This results in increased collagen and elastin production, leading to firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin. The benefits of SkinPen® are manifold, including improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and minimised acne scars and hyperpigmentation.

1 SESSION - £300

3 SESSIONS - £835

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP therapy harnesses the natural healing power of your own blood to rejuvenate your skin. During the procedure, a small amount of your blood is processed to concentrate the platelets and growth factors, which are then strategically injected into your skin. This stimulates collagen production, promotes tissue repair, and enhances skin elasticity. The benefits of PRP therapy extend to improved skin texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and a more youthful complexion. As PRP is a medical procedure at Skin & Sanctuary it is  always performed by a medical professional.

1 SESSION - £495

3 SESSIONS - £1350

IM Vitamin Injections

IM (Intramuscular) Vitamin Injections, for Glutathione and Vitamin B12, offer remarkable benefits for the skin.

Glutathione, as a potent antioxidant, helps to reduce oxidative stress and combat free radicals in the body, which can translate into clearer, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin. By promoting detoxification, it aids in clearing blemishes, reducing skin discoloration, and even lightening dark spots or hyperpigmentation. Furthermore, Glutathione can enhance the skin's elasticity, leading to a firmer and more radiant complexion.

Vitamin B12, when administered through IM injections, supports healthy skin by promoting cell regeneration and reducing inflammation. It can help alleviate conditions like acne and eczema while contributing to a smoother, hydrated, and more even-toned skin texture.


PACKAGE OF 10 - £350

Why Choose Skin & Sanctuary?

Medical Expertise: All our medical injectable treatments are administered by qualified medical professionals. Natural Enhancements: We prioritise enhancing your natural beauty while safeguarding your health. Patient-Centric Approach: Your well-being, satisfaction, and confidence are our top priorities. Trustworthy and Ethical: We uphold the highest ethical standards in both the medical and aesthetic fields.