Meet Eloise Garrison, our Client Experience Lead

The vision for Skin & Sanctuary has always been to provide exceptional Medical Aesthetic treatments for people who want to look their best and to provide it in a space that helps you feel your best - and WOWs just that little bit.

So we were so pleased when the intelligent, caring, talented and organised (possibly a tad too much) Ms Eloise Garrison agreed to join us.

Eloise actually started her journey with Skin & Sanctuary as a client. The team immediately sensed her passion for all things skin care related and the more we got to know her the more we realised that she’d make an awesome addition.

Inspired by her French mother and grandmother Eloise has loved all things skincare, beauty and wellness from a really young age.. Deciding on a career change after ten years as an NHS Dietitian and some time make-up artist Eloise first joined us as a Nutritionist. But, we soon realised that our clients benefitted so much from her presence that we asked her to be the lead in ensuring that their visit is always special.

We’re just thrilled that she agreed.

In all that she does Eloise’s commitment is to making the client experience as seamless, enjoyable and joyful as possible for each and every person who walks through our discreet little black door.

You’ll find Eloise in the Clinic reception most Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. In the meantime should you have any suggestions on how your visit could be made even better please email her on

Sonia Rishi