Embracing Menopause: A Personal Reflection by Sonia

By: Sonia Rishi

Date: 18th October 2023

There are a number of benefits of working with a team of skin experts. Just last week I got to be a model for a super new device  - and though it’s so much more my comfort zone to talk about that, today, as it’s World Menopause Day, I thought I am going to deal with the not so comfortable.

I’ve always believed that when running a service business like ours, particularly one that affects how someone is going to look and feel, transparency is paramount.

But, life can sometimes become a bit too real. So how much do you share? When we launched the clinic I was 47 and am now 53. In-between the world, for so many of us, changed. Personally I experienced losses, said goodbye to wonderful parents and beautiful friends. And then, if we are being completely transparent, amidst the horribleness of Covid, had to make decisions for the business that left their mark.

Getting through this leaves me feeling overwhelmingly grateful. But I’m 53, and just as this sense of resilience sinks in, my colleagues, all of whom are younger than me, start discussing menopause.

I’s only then dawned on me that I know surprisingly little about it and have been rather unprepared for its arrival. While there is more information available today compared to our mothers' generation, the subject is still approached with caution. At 53, I assume I must be going through it, but a recent hysterectomy has made it somewhat unclear. I sense I have been spared the worst symptoms, but I can't deny the feeling of being somewhat unsettled and, dare I admit, am worried about the impact on my skin, hair, and face.

This is where the team’s real expertise came to it’s own (and helped).  They explained that menopause often leads to a rapid decline in the hormones progesterone and oestrogen, resulting in drier and thinner skin. Studies have shown that we gradually start losing collagen from our 20s (about 1-2% per year), but entering menopause accelerates this process, with about 30% collagen loss in the next five years and a continued decline beyond. This is a significant change for our bodies, and it's something that all women experience and most, no matter how natural a process, find challenging.

[Though men, too, undergo hormonal changes, they experience a much more steady rate of collagen loss - so the change is not so dramatic]

The thing is that oestrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin's structure, as it's responsible for producing collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and natural oils, all of which are essential for healthy, supple skin. As oestrogen levels decrease during menopause, the impact on the skin can be substantial. Depleted stores of these essential proteins can lead to wrinkles, sagging, breakouts, sensitivity, flushing, rosacea, pigmentation issues, and dryness.

So there's the real, unvarnished truth—it's not pretty, but it's real. The good news is that there are now treatments, products, and lifestyle adjustments that can help. None of us want to turn back time a decade or more but with just a little assistance, we can work with our skin, hair, and faces to make the transition smoother. There are treatments available to restore collagen, improve skin plumpness, address skin laxity, dryness, pigmentation, and define your natural beauty.

So though it was difficult hearing that this was all that that I now had to look forward to I can also confidently say that the Skin & Sanctuary team will provide authentic advice tailored to help you through it.

In the next couple of months I’ll be handing over to the clinical team to explain what these treatments are and what they can achieve. This really is where their expertise comes into play. It’s the stage in life where they can truly make a difference.  I may have found their directness about the changes difficult but they also reminded me that this is a natural part of the ageing process in every woman’s life. What matters is how we support each other through it.

So whether it’s just a chat to find out what is happening, a facial to help the skin feel healthier, or a tweakment to restore it, let us know. The team here really will support you every step of the way, helping you to look and feel your best and, as with me, ready to firm up that resilience and embrace the other wonderful changes that this life brings our way.