AGE-DEFYING GRAN - Freya Moore provides her insight to Becky Pemberton of The Sun

I’m a grandma, 80, with no wrinkles – exactly what I eat & what goes on my skin to keep it looking this goodThe Secret to Ageless Beauty: Insights from Skin & Sanctuary’s Freya Moore

At Skin & Sanctuary, our commitment to promoting lifelong skin health and beauty is echoed by the expertise and passion of our team members. A recent highlight in The Sun featuring Freya Moore, our truly super aesthetician, provides invaluable advice that underscores the essence of our approach to skincare.

In a thoughtful article by Becky Pemberton, Freya shares her insights alongside the story of Toshiko Eto, an 80-year-old grandmother whose youthful skin has captivated millions online. Toshiko's regimen includes natural remedies and diligent skincare, a testament to the power of consistent and informed skin care practices.

A Lesson in Sun Protection

Freya emphasises the critical importance of protecting the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Contrary to the common pursuit of a sun-kissed glow, Freya advises that true skin care involves limiting sun exposure to prevent premature ageing, wrinkles, and sunspots. She explains how UV rays can break down the essential proteins like collagen and elastin that maintain the skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Freya's Professional Insight:

"It’s crucial to limit your time in the sun or stay in the shade to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy," says Freya. This piece of advice not only resonates with our clients but also aligns perfectly with our clinic’s philosophy of embracing skin health and beauty through healthy practices.

Elegant, Effective Skincare

Freya’s contribution to the article highlights her dedication to helping everyone achieve beautiful, healthy skin. At Skin & Sanctuary, we believe that an elegant approach to skincare, one that uses advanced technologies but without disrupting the skin’s barrier and relies on proven is key.

In addition to sun protection, the article discusses the benefits of a balanced diet, including fermented foods and antioxidants, which play a significant role in maintaining the skin's health from the inside out. This complete approach to skincare is something that Freya and our team passionately advocate and is something that you will hear more about from us. 

Join Us for a Consultation

We invite you to visit Skin & Sanctuary to experience first-hand the expertise and personalised care that Freya Moore and our team offer. Whether you're looking for advice on sun protection, anti-aging strategies, or a comprehensive skincare routine tailored to your needs, we are here to guide you on your journey to healthy skin, to living beautifully.

We are delighted to see Freya’s expert advice featured in The Sun, and we encourage everyone to consider how best to protect and nurture their skin. Remember, the secrets to longevity in beauty are simpler than you might think - particularly, like with anything,  when you can call on an expert to guide you. 

Contact Us

To find out more and obtain your own personalised treatment plan, book your consultation here. Your skin and your health will love you for it.  And to read the full article detailing all of Toshiko Eto’s skin regiman click here.