5 skin care tips for September - from our super five skin experts

5 skin care tips for September - from our super five skin experts

How has this happened? We’re in the -ber months already. And with the truly surreal year we’ve all experienced so far I’m falling completely in the ‘please give us more sun’ camp.

Time though is not for stopping. So rather than dwell I decided to start the month by asking the clinic’s true skin experts to reveal their one skin tip for September. I had realised that limiting passionate skin geeks to one tip each would be a challenge - but they have given it a really good go and must really mean the one they selected …

Dr Saira Vasdev Medical Director

#skincare tip 1 - Introduce (or re-introduce retinol)

“Retinoic acid is a real powerhouse ingredient for correcting problematic skin.  I prescribe it in the form of Retinoid cream (Tretinoin) for cases where acne, blemishes, melasma or sun related damages are of primary concern.  It works to unclog pores, reduce excess sebum, calm inflammation and minimise skin discolouration. The post summer season is the ideal time of year to introduce retinoids into your evening skincare routine as initial use can transiently sensitise your skin to the sun, causing mild redness and peeling.  These side effects can be overcome with correct dosing, clear guidance for use and daily application of SPF. The bonus factor is more collagen and elastin production leading to firmer and smoother skin.”

Retinoid cream (Tretinoin)

Fatma Gunduz, Senior Aesthetician

#skincare tip 2 - Ceramides are (very) good

“My September skin tip would be that as people start to use retinols they should also consider nourishing and protecting the skin barrier with the use of ceramides.

Ceramides are lipids that help form the skin's barrier and help skin retain moisture. They act like the skin’s morter between bricks, with the bricks being your skin cells. Ceramides help hold your skin together forming a protective layer that prevents moisture loss and helps protect your skin from pollution and other environmental attackers. It’s also a vital anti ageing powerhouse ingredient that I feel is often overlooked but is brilliant for autumn and winter months when the skin needs that extra nourishment and plumpness.

We have a few product options that make use of this wonder ingredient. One of my all time favourites that has just the right percentage of ceramides and fatty acids to mimics the ratio in our own skin is Triple Lipid Repair by Skinceuticals. Everyone’s skin and skin needs are different so if you’d like to find out which ceramide product works best for your skin book in for a consultation. “


Vicki McNulty, Senior Aesthetician

#skincare tip 3 Protect your skin from ‘MASKNE’

“With face coverings becoming part of our daily lifestyles, breakouts caused by build up of bacteria are becoming a skin concern for pretty much all of us (maskne). To avoid this making sure you have a cleansing/exfoliation routine is more important than ever - as well as continuing to wash your hands, trying not to touch whats left of your face and then washing any reusable masks daily. Have you invested in a super soft, face saving silk one yet?”


Dean Gardner, Senior Nurse Practitioner

#skincare tip 4 - Hold on to that Glow

“Keep your summer glow with Skinceuticals Glycolic 10 Renew overnight as part of your nightly regiment and improve the skin’s overall glow by 36%. Or book an appointment with one of our therapists for a consultation on chemical peels to be ready to glow in time for the festive period.”


Rachel McIntosh

#skincare tip 5 - You still need SPF

“My skincare tip for the month is to remind everyone as we approach a new less sunny season NOT to forget about SPF!  

The sun might be dimmer but the seasons do not affect the strength of UVA rays. While UVB rays weaken at certain duller, colder times of the year, UVA is just as strong (and damaging) in autumn and winter as it is in the summer, so you always need to be wearing protection.

My personal favourite is Heliocare 360 Gel Oil Free. Developed in Spain by Cantabria Labs group, Heliocare's protection is based on research carried out jointly with the laboratory and Harvard University Medical School. The duo developed Fernblock Technology using extracts from Central American Ferns, and made this the base for all of their products. The collection defends the skin against damage from UVA, UVB, visible and infrared light, while also preventing solar damage to the skin using a powerful anti-oxidant shield.

Though this is my favourite we find that everyone needs to find the SPF that suits them. We have lots of good options at the clinic so if you need help selecting the best for you please book in for a consultation.”


Heliocare 360 Gel Oil Free